Thursday 27 June 2024

The Celestial Souls of Khambetka - The Music Prodigy - An Excerpt

   Excerpt from the story titled 'The Music Prodigy' in my e-book titled 'The Celestial Souls of Khambetka'

                                                The Music Prodigy

               Several heads, some bald, some with luscious locks and others, with smart coiffure; turned around with bated breath to look at me as I majestically walked up the aisle to the steps leading up to the stage. I felt like a model on the cat-walk!

              All eyes were riveted on me as I stood up on the stage for a moment, preening in my borrowed glory, raising my hands as if willing them to give me a standing ovation! And I hadn’t actually started performing as yet! On second thoughts, I was already performing, wasn’t I?

              I could see the play’s director, Mahadev Devasthali, cheering loudly for me, clapping and whistling, along with the amazed audience. I hoped that I could live up to his expectations that evening.

                                                               END OF EXCERPT


Intrigued? Do buy and read this e-book, available for just $1.99 at till 29th June, 2024, under a Kindle Countdown Deal. Hurry! 

                                  This book has received a 5 star rating at

                        The copyright of this book is with Mrs. Priya Ramesh Swaminathan.

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