Monday 20 May 2024

My Confidante, Mum's the Word - Woman's Era (Part 2)

 This article of mine, was published in the October (First) 2012 issue of Woman's Era.

                                            My Confidante? Mum’s the word!

             Often, though children have their best friends, they still feel secure only while confiding their innermost thoughts, desires, fears, troubles and secrets to their mothers. This is because they know that mothers are non-judgmental and have only the best wishes for their children in their hearts. They will also not poke fun at them and look down upon them. They accept their children as they are, with all their flaws and strengths. They will never spread rumors or tales about their children.

               Puneet was a young college-going boy of about 20 years. He was most comfortable in the company of boys. He wasn’t attracted to girls at all. He was confused and scared about this peculiar fact. What was wrong with him, he often wondered secretly. Gradually he realized that he could be a gay. When his classmates started whispering about his sexual orientation behind his back, he knew that he had to face the truth. He was unhappy that he didn’t have any really close friend in whom he could confide about his feelings.

              His sister was immature and would definitely have made fun of him. His strict father was out of the question. He then zeroed in on his beloved mother. Yes, she would be the correct person to confide in! She had always been his friend, philosopher and guide. Surely, she would understand him and sympathize with his plight. Then he corrected himself. He didn’t want sympathy, but empathy!

               With some hesitation, he confided in his mother when no one else was at home. Though she was shocked at first, she immediately reconciled herself to the fact and tried to make him feel more comfortable with his own identity. She tried to make him aware, that being gay didn’t change the person that he was. He’d still be as wonderful as ever. She asked him to meet a counselor and talk about his predicament. She advised him to explore his own feelings with clarity. He was still young. Perhaps, he was confused. If he still insisted that he was right, he’d have to be bold and face the barbs directed by society towards him. She assured him that she’d stand by him through thick and thin. She’d also convince her husband about the right of their son to lead his life the way he wanted to!

               With such strong and unconditional support, Puneet felt light-hearted and strong enough to face the challenges of life. He patted himself on his back mentally for having chosen the right person to confide in. He thanked his mother and hugged her. He felt so relieved!

To be continued...

My parents - My best confidantes!


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