Thursday 22 August 2024

Of Siblings and E-friends - Last 2 days left, for discount offer! Hurry!


Dear friends,

A Kindle Countdown Deal will be on from 17th to 24th August, 2024 at for my e-book titled Of Siblings and E-friends.

This e-book will be available for just $0.99 at a whopping discount of 67%

So hurry and grab this golden opportunity to read a wonderful collection of stories that will set you thinking about relationships between siblings and e-friends.

Is blood truly thicker than water or should we swear only by our friends? More importantly, how do e-friends figure in the larger picture? Are they trustworthy or to be feared?

Read on and arrive at your own conclusions, but do let me know, through your online reviews posted at

Here's the link where you could preview a free sample as well as purchase it! Thanks in advance. Priya

by Priya Ramesh Swaminathan | Apr 27, 2019

                         This collage has been designed by me with the help of Thanks to Canva!

Of Siblings & E-Friends: The devil's choice? Kindle Edition

Competition is a great motivator. What cannot be achieved by hard-work can be achieved by competition! 
What happens when the competing rivals are siblings? Is heart-break inevitable or can a golden mean be found?
 Our families mean a lot to us. We strive for fulfilling all the wishes of each of our dear ones and often sacrifice a lot in the bargain. What happens when the idyllic lives of siblings are threatened by temptation?
 Guilt is the prerogative of only those with a conscience. The others breeze through their lives without a care in the world! What happens when the guilt-conscience is awakened? 
The Internet is a double-edged sword. It has its pros and cons. What happens when social media becomes a tool for messing up a gullible user’s life? 
Often, it so happens that two guys end up loving the same girl! What happens when these two guys are not only best friends, but identical twins? Does blood prove to be thicker than water?
 Read this engrossing collection of stories to find out the answers!

   Excerpt from a short story in this book: Badli and Bijuri

                After she completed her twelfth standard in the pass grade and a course in short-hand and typing, she got a job as a cashier in a mall. Now, the mall was entirely different from their modest one-room chawl. The chawl was ancient and dilapidated; the mall was flashy and trendy. The residents of the chawl were old-fashioned and poor, the persons who worked in the mall and the visitors there were fashionable, trendy and rich.

                Once she‘d got over the culture-shock, after working in the mall on the first day, she started looking forward to spending her time there. She loved her job. It was just as if she was witnessing a fashion parade daily, that too for free! All the shops had glass walls and doors. Everything that went on everywhere in the mall, was visible to anyone who wanted to have a look! She often felt that she was working in a glass-house.

               In a way it was akin to the chawl, where anyone and everyone could walk into anyone’s home without even the cursory knock! It was ‘open-house‘ all the while. Ditto the mall. She felt quite at home in that huge glass and steel monolith.

              Needless to say, she started taking great pains over her appearance. 
                             End of the excerpt
Intrigued? Want to find our what happens next?
Hurry! Just purchase this e-book and settle down for an enthralling reading session. Please don't forget to post your invaluable review online at Amazon. Thanks in advance. Priya
The copyright of this book is with Mrs. Priya Ramesh Swaminathan.
By the way, if you also wish to hone your writing skills, learn online and become a professional writer, do call up Mrs. Priya Swaminathan on 9850019553.

Monday 19 August 2024

'Of Siblings and E-friends' - Is Blood Truly thicker Than Water? (Discount Offer!)

  Do read my engaging book of short stories - 'Of Siblings and E-friends' available at for just $0.99 till 24th August, 2024. Eagerly awaiting your invaluable reviews!



This collage was created by me with the help of Thanks to Canva!

                                                             An Excerpt

             “Today, Sneha will dance with me,” said Gaurav cheekily, already taking her hand and readying for the dance. Helplessly, she darted an anxious glance towards Abhijeet. But being in a very good mood, he waved his hand good-naturedly and urged her to go along with Gaurav and enjoy herself. 

             As Gaurav talked with her knowledgeably about varied topics, Sneha found herself relaxing in his company. So he was not that introvert, after all, she thought. But after a while, her eyes sought Abhijeet. If only Gaurav would allow her to dance with Abhijeet now! He had been monopolising her, the entire evening. She hadn’t even congratulated Abhijeet properly.

                                                                 End of the Excerpt

Intrigued? Do purchase a copy immediately and settle down to an invigorating reading session!

The copyright of the book is with Mrs. Priya Ramesh Swaminathan.

Friday 16 August 2024

Kindle Countdown Deal - Of Siblings and E-friends

 An apt gift for the Raksha Bandhan festival which will be celebrated on Monday! Kindly gift this e-book to your siblings or e-friends!


Dear friends,

A Kindle Countdown Deal will be on from 17th to 24th August, 2024 at for my e-book titled Of Siblings and E-friends.

This e-book will be available for just $0.99 at a whopping discount of 67%

So hurry and grab this golden opportunity to read a wonderful collection of stories that will set you thinking about relationships between siblings and e-friends.

Is blood truly thicker than water or should we swear only by our friends? More importantly, how do e-friends figure in the larger picture? Are they trustworthy or to be feared?

Read on and arrive at your own conclusions, but do let me know, through your online reviews posted at

Here's the link where you could preview a free sample as well as purchase it! Thanks in advance. Priya

by Priya Ramesh Swaminathan | Apr 27, 2019

                             Collage created by me, with the help of Thanks to Canva!

                              The copyright of this book is with Mrs. Priya Ramesh Swaminathan.

Tuesday 13 August 2024

Testimonial of a Student of our Online Creative Writing Course - Priya's Vision Academy

     "I've completed the online "Creative Writing Course" conducted by Priya's Vision Academy. Initially, I had apprehensions before the start of the class about whether I could effectively express my thoughts in writing. However after completing the three-month course and practising for a few months afterwards, I no longer have any doubts about my writing abilities. The credit of it goes to the trainer Mrs. Priya Ramesh Swaminathan, the Proprietor of Priya's Vision Academy.

      Everything that Madam taught me and the input provided during the class truly worked for me. I had never imagined that I could write on any subject so effortlessly. This course has not only helped me to write on various topics but also improved my writing in professional work. Now I have no hesitation whatsoever about my writing skills. 

      Thank you so much, Madam. I will wholeheartedly recommend this class." - Vinod Ghabade

Testimonial provided by Mr. Vinod Ghabade, student of our Online Creative Writing Course.

Date: 6th August, 2024

Thanks a lot, Mr. Vinod Ghabade. It was a pleasure teaching a sincere and dedicated student like you. With your innate flair for writing, you'll soon make your mark as a professional writer. All the best for your writing aspirations/career. - Mrs. Priya Ramesh Swaminathan

(Mr. Vinod Ghabade had earlier completed two other online courses successfully at Priya's Vision Academy. They were "Business Communication Skills" and "Basic Grammar.")

Do you also want to excel in your professional life? Hurry up and enrol for any of our online, short-term professional, certificate courses, especially customised for working professionals/students/housewives/senior citizens. 

Learn from the comfort of your home with flexible timings.

Please contact: Mrs. Priya Ramesh Swaminathan

Mobile no. 9850019553

The courses offered are:

Content/Creative Writing

Spoken English

Personality Development

Business Communication Skills

Conversation Skills

Public Speaking



Priya's Vision Academy - Makes Your Life Blossom.

Thursday 8 August 2024

Priya's Vision Academy - Inter-school Drawing Competition - 15th August, 2024


Schools in Pune are requested to kindly take note:

Priya's Vision Academy will be conducting an "On the Spot" inter-school drawing competition for students from 8th to 10th standards, on the auspicious day of our Independence Day, 15th August, 2024.

Timings: 11.30 to 12.30.

Entry fees: Rs. 150 per student

The venue will be the schools.

Hurry! Do get in touch with Mrs. Priya Swaminathan on no. 9850019553

Let's have fun and revel in the colours of joy and unity!

Saturday 3 August 2024

Just Not Meant For Marriage! - Hurry! Monsoon Discount Offer!

  Dear friends,

What happens when a person finds his soul-mate but that soul-mate is unwilling to reciprocate?

Read on to experience it in my e-book titled Just Not Meant For Marriage!

A Kindle Countdown Deal will be on from 5th to 11th August, 2024 at for this e-book which will be available for just $1.99. So hurry and purchase it. Read and review it. Enjoy your reading and reviewing sessions.
You could even peruse my other 27 books.

Eagerly awaiting your invaluable feedback!


Priya Swaminathan


For a Very Special Person!

                     I dedicate this book to my evergreen Dad, Ramesh Sharma. Fondly called Anna by us, he is the person who taught us to be brave and confident, while struggling against all odds. His unstinting support was behind the success of my mother as a Principal. An old adage goes, “Behind every successful man, there is a woman.” My father turned this adage on its head! “Behind every successful woman, there is a man!”

                      He was like ‘The Rock of Gibraltar’ for her, always helping her out with the chores, guiding us in our home-work, availing leave for our Board Exams to ferry us to and from our respective exam centers and attending to his work at his office. He ensured that we didn't only study, but had hobbies and other recreation too.

                      I’ll especially never forget how he spent several sleepless nights when I had severe jaundice, as a young girl. He would be always at my bedside, at the hospital and later, at home, administering my medicines on time, buying and giving me the appropriate diet as prescribed by the physician and encouraging me with kind, loving words and lots of Chandamama books!   

                      Later in life, when I insisted on having an arranged, but registered marriage, without matching horoscopes; and with a list of attributes to be possessed by my would-be groom, my father ran around meeting prospective grooms, apprising them of my ‘demand’ for a simple, no-frills, registered marriage ceremony, braved being rejected by them; till he finally discovered one such ‘gem’ for me! A perfect match - my husband Ramesh! What a beautiful coincidence it was, to have my husband sharing my beloved father’s name!  Of course, I soon discovered that they share several endearing traits too! In fact, I often joke that they could pass of as father and son!            

                      He is also a great multi-tasker and shows us how life must be lived and enjoyed. He is great pals with our friends too and they envy us for having such an easy-going and friendly father. We are never scared of him and always look up to him for any advice, and he has never ever failed us. He is a living example of how a person can be a constant source of joy for everyone around him! He is very helpful, dependable and doesn't thrive on any ego. He takes equal pride in my mother's and our achievements. He never boasts about his accomplishments, which are quite a few!

                      He’s blessed with a photographic memory as he remembers people and places, even after meeting and visiting them just once, no matter how long ago! He’s a good singer, a great artist and an excellent palmist. His exhibition of water-paintings and fabric paintings was very well-received by one and all! He’s fond of listening to good music and watching movies. He dotes on his grand-daughter and constantly teaches her new things. Apart from our family, his friends at the Senior Citizens’ Association are his other lifeline. He enjoys spending his time with them and often goes for picnics and other programs, with them. They miss his lively and cheerful company when he is not around. His enthusiasm is highly infectious!

                      He appreciates the wonders of Mother Nature and has inculcated the same perspective in us too. He has always encouraged us to be forthright and fearless, honest and just, in our dealings and interactions with others.

                      Thanks to these two great teachers, my mother and father, we siblings have become well-balanced individuals and always strive to make them proud of us. For them, we are three little gems and for us they are our heart and soul! We owe everything to them. Dear Amma, we miss you a lot!

Thank you Anna, for always being there for us!



          Preet had an annoying habit. It drove girls literally up the wall. He would court all the pretty girls in college, have them eating out of his hands and eating out their hearts for him and then spoil it all by popping the most-dreaded question. It was not the eagerly looked forward to, “Will you marry me please?” No, that wasn’t the most-dreaded question. It was, hold your breath, “Are you just not meant for marriage?” All the girls who had swooned over him some time in their college lives had been flabbergasted by that bomber.
          But eventually, everyone had reconciled themselves to the inevitable, ridiculous proposal. In fact, no girl was still quite sure what that absurd question meant. Did he mean that he was asking her to marry him in a back-handed manner, or did he want to cast her away by insinuating that she was not worthy enough for marriage? And that too after wooing her as if she was the last girl on earth!


Did you like what you just read? Would you like to find out what happens next?

Kindly purchase the e-book and read on.... Preet is waiting for you....

Here's the link:

The copyright of this book is with Mrs. Priya Ramesh Swaminathan.