Tuesday 2 August 2016

Sadhu J.P.Vaswani - The Spiritual Healer

Dear Dada,
                   Wish you a Very Happy 98th Birthday! May you have many more, so that you could continue to guide people to walk on the right path in life. Your words are like an elixir and your calm presence is like a beacon to those who cherish your teachings and strive to adhere to your principles and values in all their worldly dealings. Your speeches instill faith in humanity and the goodness of the human spirit. Like the holy river Ganga, your words wash away all feelings of sin, hatred and vengeance that obstruct a pious and meaningful life.You are the embodiment of simplicity and purity!Your whole being radiates with a Divine illumination that inspires and provokes a chain reaction of good deeds. 
                   May you be blessed with good health and a long life!
                                          With warm regards,
                                                                                                                     Priya Swaminathan
                                                                                                     Ex-student of St. Mira's High School

Here's a poem dedicated to you:

With your innocent smile
Without any guile,
You spread the gospel of love, harmony and peace
Far and wide,
With friends and supporters by your side!
         You are the light-house that guides many
          In the stormy sea of life.
Your life you live, one of service and sacrifice
Without hatred or malice.
Your sincerity of purpose
We admire, appreciate and try to emulate!
          On this pious day, your birthday,
          We felicitate and wish you, Dada J.P.Vaswani,
          The harbinger of universal brotherhood,
          Who follows his Guru, Sadhu T.L.Vaswanis’s teachings,
          More than anyone could!
May you have many more,
To guide us as always
From your heart’s core!

The copyright of this write-up and poem is with Mrs. Priya Ramesh Swaminathan.

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