Saturday 18 May 2024

International Museum Day! - Salar Jung Museum - An Ode to Mankind's Rich, Cultural Legacy!

          Some years ago. my husband and myself, paid this museum a visit. I had earlier visited this museum on my college's trip to Hyderabad as part of our Geology study tour. We had visited the Cuddapah region for its unique geological formations. Just as Geology is the study of the earth and its origins, so is the museum, a fascinating study of mankind's glorious past!   

           The artifacts, paintings, photographs, costumes, statues and other memorabilia; painstakingly curated to present a delightful display of the ethos and culture of our ancient heritage; are a treat for the eyes. There are sections devoted to artifacts from other Asian and European countries too. Thus we could observe how art and craft could have a unifying and harmonious influence on this divisive and strife-torn world!

          The museum is well-maintained, spacious and airy. A food-court offers succor to those who are exhausted after a tour of the sprawling premises. We would've liked more variety in the food-items available there


          The special and eagerly looked-forward to attraction in the museum is the musical clock which strikes the hour regularly. A figure comes out and rings the gong to mark the hour and goes back to its previous position inside the clock. Seats have been arranged like in an open-air auditorium, to watch 
this hourly ritual.

 Posing beside the famed musical clock!


          Another attraction is the 'Veiled Rebecca', the marble statue that is striking because of the exquisitely sculpted drapes, including a veil on the lady's figurine! The contemplative expression on the statue's face is admirable. There are several other equally detailed statues in that hall, but the 'Veiled Rebecca' stands out amidst them, flanked by huge mirrors to enable a 360 degrees' view for the viewers to appreciate the sculptor's eye for detail!

  The irresistible "Veiled Rebecca"!


   Brilliant sculptures!


          The clean washroom and drinking water facilities are a welcome relief.

          The greenery outside the museum is soothing and refreshing. Hence the museum is an oasis of calm where one could safely retreat to, for a break from the rat-race!               

          We also learn that all wonderful, pleasing objects take lots of resources, time and patience to create and no one must mindlessly destroy them for sadistic pleasure, misplaced vengeance or short-lived gain.
          The fabulous collection in this museum enriches one's life and redefines its purpose!


Date of experience: March 2017

This review has been published on 

The copyright of this review belongs to Mrs. Priya Ramesh Swaminathan.

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