Monday 9 September 2024

Neha's Quest - Kindle Discount Deal - September 2024


                                             Neha's Quest (Life's Topsy-turvy!)

          Much as we like to call ourselves progressive and our society civilized, often we deviate from the rightful path to indulge in wrongful or immoral activities, to satiate our greed and lust. To feel alive!

          We also have double standards wherein we treat men and women differently and expect women, the so-called weaker-sex, to conform to societal mores, without a murmur. Of course, we frown when anyone terms it hypocrisy! This is our culture; we say with self-righteous pride and revel in it.

          Woe betides any woman who dares to stray off the beaten path! The path carved out for her by society, on which she must walk demurely, looking straight ahead without a side-ward glance! Following all the stringent rules to a T!

          And lo behold! Every once in a while, comes along a gutsy girl like Neha who breaks every rule in the book to follow her own path in life, braving the storms with grit and gumption.

          A breath of fresh air or a tempest? Who are we to judge her? She doesn’t need our judgment!

          Why not just let every girl follow her heart and carve a niche for herself? See how far she goes in the journey of life? Is it too much to ask for?


Dear friends, 

A Kindle Countdown Deal will be on for this e-book at from 10th to 17th September, 2024. It will be available at a discount for just $1.99. Do consider purchasing it and perusing it. Don't forget to post your reviews online at the Amazon website!

Thanks in anticipation.


You could also preview it for free at

Here's the link:

Neha's Quest : Life's Topsy-turvy! Kindle Edition

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