Friday 21 June 2024

The Celestial Souls of Khambetka - Kindle Discount Deal June 2024


Dear friends,

What happens when one's wishes are not fulfilled in one’s lifetime?

Read on to experience it in my thrilling e-book titled The Celestial Souls of Khambetka. It is a collection of unusual paranormal stories that will surely capture your imagination!

This book has received a 5 -star rating at
Here's the link:

A Kindle Countdown Deal is on from 22nd to 29th June2024, at for this e-book. It will be available at a whopping discount, of 61% for just $ 1.99. You could peruse a free preview of the e-book at the website.
Here's the link :

Kindly purchase the e-book, read it and let me have your invaluable feedback. You could even peruse my other 24 books at Amazon. 
Kindly post all your reviews directly at 
Happy reading!


List of other books by the author,
Mrs. Priya Ramesh Swaminathan:

       The Enigma and other stories 3 star rating at
       The Obsession
       The Mysterious Basement of Summer City (Prize-                                                         winning, debut novel) 5 star rating at
       Wow! Wrong Number
       You Compromise, I Won’t!
       Unconditional Love in Exchange
       Just Not Meant For Marriage!
       The Byline and other stories
       A Good Old Rumor! and other stories 3 star rating at
 The Trophy Wife 5 star rating at
 Of Siblings and E-Friends 
      Dad's Great, Boys! (ebook only) 
                     (also available at
      God's Will
      Neha's Quest
S   Ghosts of the Past
      The Unending Nightmare
       My Life, My Way!
      Once again
       The Long-distance Relationship
       When Chikoo Was Very Bitter...   5 star rating at
      Operation Chikoo' 5 star rating at
      Chikoo Saves Chikki
     Shadows in the Dark - This book has received a 5 star rating at
S All these ebooks and paperbacks have been released worldwide, and are  available at and Amazon's other marketplaces.
My ebooks at other sites:
A Suitor for the Princess (

The Love-addict (

No Mother-in-law, Please! has been serialized at Read it for free and feel free to comment on or like it. 

Don't forget to read The Trophy Wife! (She doesn't like to be snubbed!) This book has received a 5 star rating at
This ebook is available for just Rs.70 at Kindly post the reviews at Thanks in anticipation. ☺😊☺Priya
The Celestial Souls of Khambetka - Free the spirit!

Let's make peace with our souls and free our spirits!

In keeping with this theme, may I suggest that all of us could volunteer for body-donation (dehadaan); the ultimate gift to mankind! 

Let's live on, long after we have gone from this planet...

My husband and I have pledged for dehadaan.

The copyright of all the above-mentioned books is with Mrs. Priya Ramesh Swaminathan.

If any of the readers would like to enrol for Priya's Vision Academy's Exclusive, Online Creative Writing Course-cum-workshop, do get in touch immediately. Become a professional writer and embark on an exciting and satisfying hobby or career!

Kindly peruse the glowing reviews of this course, written by students; on this blog. 


Testimonials/Reviews of the Creative Writing Course-cum-workshop - Priya's Vision Academy - Blog post dated 14th August, 2023

A testimonial by a student of the Online, Creative Writing Course-cum-Workshop conducted by Priya’s Vision Academy - Blog post dated 8th September, 2023

Just call up: Mrs. Priya Swaminathan

Mobile No. 9850019553

Priya's Vision Academy - Makes Your Life Blossom.



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