Tuesday 25 June 2024

The Celestial Souls of Khambetka - My Big Boss Up There! - An Excerpt

Excerpt from the story titled 'My big boss up there!' in my e-book titled 

                                   The Celestial Souls of Khambetka 

     Manoj would remark, “It’s high time you stopped looking at your father’s photo! Now you should be looking at mine!”

     He started keeping an unbearably repulsive, close-up shot of his, in an equally hideous and unimaginative frame, on our bedside table. I had politely declined to frame one of our ‘lovey-dovey’ shots from our honeymoon, as it was something that I didn’t want to be reminded of!

     I just softly told him, “That’s personal Manoj. Let it remain only between the two of us. A private remembrance!” Inwardly, I snidely remarked, “A private joke!”

     Surprisingly, Manoj hadn’t persisted. He had instead, plastered the walls and the cupboards’ doors with huge posters of .....

     They were definitely a ‘better-watch’ than his plain Jane of a wife! Needless to say, there was no love lost between the two of us.

                                                               END OF EXCERPT


Intrigued? Do buy and read this e-book, available for just $1.99 at www.amazon.com till 29th June, 2024, under a Kindle Countdown Deal. Hurry!


                                   This book has got a 5 star rating at www.goodreads.com.

     Your precious online reviews are most welcome!

     Thanks in anticipation!


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