Saturday 29 June 2024

The Celestial Souls of Khambetka - Unfinished Business - An Excerpt

          We often go through our lives with lots of fear and anxiety, hopes and ambitions, desires and wishes. Some wishes may be fulfilled during our lifetime and others may remain pipe-dreams!

          Do some paranormal experiences jolt us out of our mundane routine? Does a divine entity, sometimes, enable us to accomplish our desires in our lifetime itself? What happens when a lifetime isn’t enough to do all the things that we want to do? Or atone for our sins? Do we return to earth invisibly and finish our work?

          The paranormal stories in this novel delve into all these aspects. Above all, these stories have soul!

          Read on to discover new dimensions of the soul…

Excerpt from the story titled 'Unfinished Business' in my e-book titled 'The Celestial Souls of Khambetka'

                                                Unfinished Business

             I had earlier avoided the irresistible urge to break out into peals of laughter when a lady

 Executive Director had attempted sitting on a chair on which I was seated. I had quickly slid down and

 vacated the chair, just in the nick of time! Then I had safely hung from the railing of the navy-blue

 velvet curtains that swathed the huge windows of the board-room. I could peer down at the deceitful,

 unethical gang of people without an iota of conscience...

           Of course, they weren’t the same persons, per se, but persons occupying those posts! The Managing Board of Directors of ‘The Life Company’. Probably, the chair corrupted the person occupying it, I thought. Or on other thoughts, power! Unbridled power!

           I could only sneer at the selfish, unscrupulous, rude and arrogant people disguised as civil, sophisticated business magnates! Corporate sharks. My upbringing couldn’t make me swear at them, raise a hand on them or harm them in any way. I was way too civilized for that!

                                                               END OF EXCERPT


Intrigued? Do buy and read this e-book, available for just $1.99 at till 29th June, 2024, under a Kindle Countdown Deal. Hurry! 

                                  This book has received a 5 star rating at

                        The copyright of this book is with Mrs. Priya Ramesh Swaminathan.

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